BE05. Design & Construction of Steel Bridges S1
Ảnh minh họa: Mối nối dầm thép
- References:
Lê Đình Tâm, “Cầu thép”, NXB Giao thông vận tải, HN 2004.
Lê Đình Tâm, Nguyễn Tiến Oanh, Nguyễn Trâm, “Xây dựng cầu thép”, NXB Xây dựng, HN 1996
TCVN 11823, “Thiết kế cầu đường bộ”, Hà Nội, 2017.
Bộ GTVT, "Tiêu chuẩn thiết kế cầu 22TCN-272.05", NXB GTVT, Hà Nội, 2005.
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), “LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 4th Edition”, Washington DC, 2007.
Richard M.Baker, Jay A.Pucket, “Design of highway bridge”, MC Graw Hill, 1997.
Wai Fan Chen and Lien Duan, “Bridge Engineering Handbook”, CRC press, NewYork, 2000.
2. Notes on the Final exam
- Exam schedule is at 7:00am on Friday (June 16, 2023) in Room 32 H3 Building.
- The final exam would be a closed-book exam.
- You might want to bring a summary sheet with you (so called cheat sheet). Please note that the cheat sheet should have A4 size and you must write it yourself using a blue-ink pen. You can write on both sides of the sheet and make sure to write your full name on the top row of the sheet. Also please attach the cheat sheet to your exam papers before you turn in your exam.
- Cell phones are not allowed in the exam and you need to bring a scientific calculator to the exam.
Good luck on your final exam!
Attention: Hello students, I just wanted to inform you that our class scheduled for Tuesday, March 28, 2023, will be canceled since I have a prior work commitment and won't be able to cover the class on that day. Please take note of this change in schedule and plan accordingly. Thank you!
4. Pictures of Steel Bridges
5. Other Websites
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